Much has been said about the supposed enmity between the Bollywood heartthrob, Imran Khan and Pakistani Prince of Pop Ali Zafar. Reports of the tiff between Imran and Ali surfaced from the film sets of ‘Mere Brother Ki Dulhan‘ with sources stating that the onscreen brothers are not getting along well off-screen. However, we have just found out things are different and Imran Khan is having a lot of fun working with Ali. Even, Ali Zafar was shocked to hear the rumours and didn’t know where they started. In an interview with an Indian tabloid, Imran praised Ali’s dry sense of humor and said that he’s a really funny guy.
“Ali Zafar is playing my brother and I’ve been having a lot of fun working with him. It turns out he’s a really funny guy in real life! He has a really dry, deadpan sense of humor, and really enjoys messing with people, kind of like Punit (director of I Hate Luv Storys). So half the time I’m laughing, the other half of the time I’m begging him to stop before someone punches him. Again, like Punit.”
Yash Raj Films’, Mere Brother Ki Dulhan has already generated a lot of interest in the masses and is one of the most anticipated movies this year. The film which completes its shooting schedule soon, is slated to release in theatres worldwide on 9th September 2011.