
It is said to recite third kalima 300 times in this salaat. Third Kalima consists of two ayats. It is said to recite first part, i.e
" Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar ".
However, someone told me to recite full Kalima i.e, the second part as well.
Please clarify.


In the name of Allah the Exalted

The full Khalimah is Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar Walahowla Walaa Quwata illah Billahil Aleeyil Azeem"

However, from Ahadith we learn that we should only read the first part "Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar" and not the full Khalimah, when performing Salatul tasbih.

'Ikrimah reports from Ibn 'Abbas that Rasulullah said to 'Abbas ibn 'Abdal-Mutalib:

"O Abbas my Uncle! Shall I not give you, Shall I not grant you, Shall I not award you, and shall I not do mercy on you? When you do 10 things Allah will forgive your sins: of the future and of the past; new and old; those you have forgotten and those you did knowingly; big and small; hidden and revealed?

You should pray four rakatas reciting in each one Surah al Fatihah and a Surah and when you finish the recitation in the first rakat you should:

Say fifteen times while standing Subhaan Allahi Wal Hamdulillahi Wa Laa ilaha illal Laahu Wallahu Akbar,

Then you should bow and say it ten times while bowing (in Rukuh),

Then you should raise your head after bowing and say it them times.

Then you should prostrate yourself and say it ten times,

Then raise your head and say it ten times

Then prostrate again (the second time) and recite it ten times.

Then sit (before standing up for the second rakat) and recite it ten times.

You should do that in (all) four rakats.

If you are capable then pray this salah once a day, if not then every Friday, and even if this is not possible then once a month and even if this is not possible then once a year and even if this is not possible then at least once in a lifetime".

(Tirimzi, Abu Dawud Pg 184, Ibn Majah).

And Allah knows best

Mufti Abubakr Karolia
Batley, U.K
Founder of the "Islamic Foundation for Theology and Research" (I.F.T.A.R)