Sayings and Teachings of Huzoor Gareeb Nawaz
Rehmatullahe Ta’ala ‘Alaihi
Huzoor Gareeb Nawaz Rehmatullahe Ta’ala ‘Alaihi has said:
1. Salah is ascension for the believers. It is a secret that a slave tells his Lord and Sustainer. One who fulfils this duty will be liberated.
2. Allah Ta’ala fulfils a thousand needs of the person who feeds the hungry, he is given freedom from Hell, and a palace is prepared for him in Paradise.
3. The person who swears a false oath has ruined his home; blessings and goodness leave that home.
4. In the eyes of Mystics, the greatest sin is to tease and harass a fellow Muslim unnecessarily. There is no greater sin and leads to the Displeasure of Allah Ta’ala and Rasool Allah Sallallaho ‘Alaihi Wasallam.
5. It is worship for children to look at their parents as it is stated in Hadith that children who look at their parents for the Pleasure of Allah Ta’ala, are rewarded the equivalent of performing a pilgrimage. Allah Ta’ala writes the reward for worshipping thousands of years and forgives the son who kisses his mother’s feet.
6. There is no greater obedience in the sight of Allah Ta’ala than helping the helpless and downtrodden, fulfilling the needs of the needy, and feeding the hungry.
7. It states in a Hadith that companionship has a great effect, therefore, keep the companionship of pious people.
8. Surah Fatiha should be recited in abundance for fulfilment of needs.