262318 10150206635601595 298089336594 7428251 6570008 n - cOld cAke with ice cream..

cOld cAke with ice cream..

Cocoa pwdr-2tbsp
sugar 1 cup
egg -2
butter 100gm
tea biscut -1 big pack
& Aluminium foil for wrapping

in a bowl beat the eggs.add sugar+buttter+cocoa pwdr...mix well ...double boil this for 10 mins in low flame. now take it &let it cool.
Crush each biscuts into 4 pieces..pour the above mix ito this crushed biscuts & mix well..then take a long piece of alluminium foil...pour the biscut + cocoa mix into this and spread in rectangle shape.nw wrap it all over in a cylindrical shape..freeze it for 1 day..before serving remove the foil & cut it...
serve it with a scoop of ice cream...EnJoy...