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    Default I’tikaaf (Seclusion)

    Seclusion (I’tikaaf)

    ALLAH Ta’ala has created humans solely for His worship, just as he has said, “And I have created the jinn and the men only for this that they may worship me.” (Surah Zariyat Verse 56)

    ‘Worship’ means to worship the Lord and to act upon His orders. There are numerous methods of worshipping – we pray Namaz, Fast, perform large and small Pilgrimages (Hajj and ‘Umrah), pay poor due (Zakat) and charity, help the poor, build Mosques and Islamic schools, and help students with their books, food and boarding with our lawful money – all these things are classified as worship, and there are many other forms of worship other than those mentioned.

    Muslims try and worship more in Ramadhan compared to the other months of the year; they Fast, they arrange for the Iftaari of others, they help the poor and needy etc. However in Ramadhan ul Mubarak, there is another worship which is worthy of special mention separate from the other worships, which we know as I’tikaaf. The distinctive features of I’tikaaf compared to other voluntary worships is that a person makes a firm resolution of worshipping, and in the course of this a person punctually performs voluntary worships along with the compulsory worships. He recites the Holy Qur’an, stays awake at nights and remembers ALLAH Ta’ala extensively and there is perseverance and persistence in his worship; and the Lord loves worship in which there is persistence and perseverance. It is reported in a Hadith that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “The best worship in the Sight of ALLAH Ta’ala is that in which there is continuity.” It was also the habit of that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam that when he would worship, he would perform that worship regularly and repeatedly.

    Whilst we arrange different worships in the month of Ramadhan ul Mubarak, we should also attempt to perform the worship of I’tikaaf. We are providing some information about this supreme worship so that the passion to perform I’tikaaf is instilled in our hearts.

    Literal and Religious Meaning of the Word ‘I’tikaaf’

    ‘Allama Isfahani has stated that ‘I’tikaaf’ means ‘to remain by something with the intention (Niyyah) of respect.’ According to religious terms, ‘I’tikaaf’ means to ‘stay in the Mosque with the intention of worship.’

    The Habit of Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam

    Hazrat Ibn ‘Umar RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhuma reports that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam would perform I’tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadhan. Additionally, he states that Hazrat ‘Abdullah bin ‘Umar RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhuma showed him the place where Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam used to stay when performing I’tikaaf.

    Hazrat ‘Aisha Siddiqua RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anha reports that, “Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam would perform I’tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadhan every year until he left this world.”

    In both the above Ahadith, the words used state that I’tikaaf was performed by Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam regularly each year, which proves that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam would perform I’tikaaf every year without fail. When the Prophet, who is free from sins, and is even free from doing anything that is disliked, performed I’tikaaf regularly then we, who are sinners, should also attempt to perform this worship.

    ALLAH Ta’ala will forgive our sins through the blessings of this worship and will purify us internally as well as externally. May ALLAH Ta’ala guide us to do this, Aameen.

    Excellence of I’tikaaf

    Hazrat Ibn ‘Abbas RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhuma narrates that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam said about those who perform I’tikaaf, “They remain free from sins and the rewards they receive for good deeds are equal to all their previous good deeds.” (Ibn Majah)

    Hazrat Imam Hussein RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhu narrated that Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “The person who performs I’tikaaf in Ramadhan for ten days, it is as though he has performed two large (Hajj) and two small (‘Umrah) pilgrimages.” (Baihaqi)

    Types of I’tikaaf

    There are three types of I’tikaaf – Obligatory (Wajib), recommended Sunnah (Sunnat e Mu’akkidah) and voluntary (Nafl).

    Obligatory I’tikaaf: The compulsory I’tikaaf is one where a vow is made to perform I’tikaaf and there are two methods to this. The first is when a person makes an oath that ‘I will perform I’tikaaf for one day, or one week, or one month for the Pleasure of ALLAH Ta’ala.’ The second is when a person states that ‘If such and such a desire of mine is fulfilled, I will perform I’tikaaf for a specific number of days.’ In both cases the I’tikaaf becomes compulsory. (Books of Fiqh)

    Recommended Sunnah I’tikaaf: To perform I’tikaaf in the last ten days of Ramadhan is a recommended Sunnah for the community. If even a single person in the city performs it, then all are absolved of the responsibility, but if no-one in the city performs it, then all will be questioned and will have to answer for it.

    Voluntary I’tikaaf: Other than the two situations mentioned above, all other forms of I‘tikaaf are voluntary I’tikaafs.

    Differences Between the Three I’tikaafs

    The difference is that Fasting is a requirement in the compulsory (Wajib) and recommended (Sunnat e Mu’akkidah) I’tikaafs. Without Fasting, these I’tikaafs will not be classified as having been completed. However, Fasting is not a condition for the voluntary I’tikaaf, and the voluntary I’tikaaf can be for a few hours or for a day or two as well. That is why it is better to make the intention for I’tikaaf each time you enter the Mosque or say the following words with your tongue:
    “Bismillahi Dakhaltu Wa ‘Alaihi Tawakkaltu Wa Nawaytu Sunnatal I’tikaaf.”
    After reciting this, even if you are just sitting in the Mosque, good deeds will be added to your book of deeds. If a person performing the compulsory or recommended I’tikaaf leaves the Mosque without a valid reason then the I’tikaaf is broken, but in the voluntary I’tikaaf, a person is allowed to leave the Mosque without any reason whatsoever. Then, when he returns to the Mosque, he simply makes intention for I’tikaaf again.

    Deeds to Perform Whilst in I’tikaaf

    Any form of worship can be performed whilst in I’tikaaf, but it is better if the
    worships listed below are performed:
    * Ensure that the five daily prayers are performed with the congregation in the first row in such a manner that you are there at the beginning of the Prayer (Takbeer e Oola).
    * Perform prayers with a turban (Imama Shareef) on.
    * Recite at least one part (Paara) of the Qur’an every day.
    * Study the translation and commentary of the Qur’an from Kanzul Iman.
    * At fixed times, study the books of various Scholars of Ahle Sunnah in order to increase your knowledge.
    * If possible, speak to certain people at appointed times about goodness and good advice.
    * Perform extra voluntary prayers at night.
    * Perform every action according to the Sunnah.
    * Perform the voluntary prayers of Tahajjud (pre-dawn), Ishraq (after sunrise), Chaasht (pre-midday) and Awwabeen (after Maghrib).
    * Perform your missed (Qaza) prayers.
    * Seek forgiveness and repent.
    * Supplicate for the well-being of yourself and the whole Nation.
    * Supplicate for there to be a revolution in your life, to spend your whole life in love of and devoted to Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam and to be blessed with reciting the Kalimah at the time of death.

    Insha ALLAH, if we perform the above mentioned things in I’tikaaf, we will fill our book of deeds with goodness and will obtain great pleasure and joy in worshipping. May ALLAH Ta’ala guide us all to perform these deeds, Aameen.

    Daily Prayers and Incantations for I’tikaaf

    Reciting daily prayers and incantations (Aurad o Waza’if) has been the practice of our pious predecessors. There are great benefits and blessings in this and the greatest benefit is that this is also a great method of remembering ALLAH Ta’ala. In terms of remembering ALLAH Ta’ala, He Himself has stated that,
    “…Behold, in the remembrance of ALLAH alone there is the satisfaction of hearts.” (Surah Ra’ad Verse 28)

    We should decide on certain prayers and incantations for daily use and be punctual in reciting them, but in the month of Ramadhan, if we have made the intention for I’tikaaf then we should recite the following prayers and incantations extensively.

    Hazrat Abu Darda RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhu reports that the person who recites the following verse seven times daily, ALLAH Ta’ala will provide sufficiently for him in the hereafter, whether he believes in it or not (meaning whether he puts his trust in ALLAH Ta’ala or not).
    “If then they turn their faces, then say you, ‘ALLAH is sufficient for me, none is to be worshiped except He. I put my trust in Him, and He is the ‘Lord of Supreme Throne) (Surah Taubah Verse 129)

    * Someone saw ‘Utba Gulam RadiALLAHo Ta’ala ‘Anhu who stated that ‘I was granted Paradise as a result of the following supplication’: “Allaahumma Yaa Haadiyul Mudalleena Wa Yaa Arhamal Mudh-nabeena Wa Muqabbalu ‘Itraatul ‘Aathireena Arham ‘Abduka Dhil Khatril ‘Adheemi Wal Muslimeena Kullihim Ajma’een Faj’alna Ma’al Ahyaa-il Marzooqaynil Ladheena An ‘Amta ‘Alayhim Minan Nabiyyeena Was Siddiqeena Wash Shuhadaa-i Was Saaliheena Aameena Yaa Rabbul ‘Aalameen.”

    * Rasool ALLAH Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “It is more beloved to me to stay seated in the place where I have performed my Prayer and perform remembrance of ALLAH Ta’ala (Dhikr e Ilahi) until the sun rises than freeing four slaves.”

    In view of the aforementioned Hadith, we should especially recite the following words after performing prayers when we are in I’tikaaf: Astaghfirul Laahal Ladhee Laa Ilaaha Illaa Huwal Hayyul Qayyoom Wa Atoobu Ilayh. Subhaanal Laahi Wal Hamdu Lillaahi Walaa Ilaaha Illal Laahu Wallaahu Akbar.
    Last edited by shaikh_samee; 24-08-2011 at 10:16 AM.

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