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Thread: Avoid these and you'll automatically be on the rig

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    Thumbs up Avoid these and you'll automatically be on the rig

    Avoid these and you'll automatically be on the right track (provided you want to be successful)...

    1. Mixing With Losers

    It's a guaranteed way to fail in life with this. Whatever you like to do, losers will just tell you it won't work and after some time, you will also become a loser. High five, welcome to the losers' club. Something about losers you should know:they like to 'recruit' new people and are very comfortable in their shoes. They don't welcome Changes. So when you see someone with any of these two characteristics, you know what you should do.

    2. Don't Know What You Want

    The most common goal I hear all of the time is, "I want to be rich". I mean it's fine with that generic goal but the problem is, how rich do you want to be? Or how rich is rich? Put it this way - the methods used to make a million and $3,000 are different. No wonder some people couldn't experience breakthroughs in life because they are playing small for big goals. If you want to make a million, you better put in that level of commitment, bucko.

    3. You Want Everything

    It's nice to have a lot of things but if you go chasing everything, you get nothing. Let me tell you why - you only have 24 hours a day and you've got to focus on your priorities. I know, I know, you can hire others and so on but the fact is, you've got to want 'something' first to lead to another 'something', then to everything. Make sense?

    4. Watching the "Secrets" Way Too Much

    I'm not here to criticize Law Of Attractions (LOA) and don't want to receive hate emails. As a matter of fact, I do believe in it and have friends who appeared in the Secrets. But it's a surefire way to fail if you keep on watching the "Secrets" and doing 'attraction' by sitting down on your floor manifesting 3 hours a day. In my point of view, scientifically, Law of Attraction runs on the concept of 'believing'. When you believe you can achieve your goal, you will take actions to actually achieve it but if you don't understand this basic element and think LOA is some sort of miracle remedy, oh boy, you're in for a big surprise for failure.

    5. You Don't Truly Know Why You Want Success

    Wanting everything is bad enough - but it gets even worse if you don't even know the reason why you're trying to achieve your goal. What's the deal? Without a solid reason, a compelling reason, where are you going to find the motivation and encouragement for you to overcome obstacles? You think it's going to be fun ride to success? Then you haven't been traveling - it's a rocky road, my friend. Most people failed to achieve their goals because they never complete the journey-- they give up half way (or at the beginning) because they cannot see the worth of accomplishments.

    6. You Don't Remember Your Roots

    The thing I get most irritated about is people who achieved success and never felt gratitude towards those who have helped them. Is it very hard to say, 'thank you'? The law of reciprocity is simple – you return favors to those who helped you in the past. And maybe, they'll help you again in the future. Remember this- it takes more than just you to achieve success, so don't be a jerk.

    7. You Think You're Smart

    The day you stop learning is the day you stop improving yourself. If you don't want to fail in life, make you sure you stop acting as though you already know everything. The fact is, all successful people are people who continuously learn to be even more successful. They don't stop. Let me put it in this perspective - you don't know what you don't know, you know?

    8. You Listen To The Wrong People

    I watched this funny movie called, "He Is Just Not That Into You" and it just reaffirmed what I'm about to tell you. At the beginning of the movie, it shows a clip of a boy pushing a girl in the playground because he somehow doesn't like her. He thinks she smells like dog pooh. She cried and asked her mum why did the boy do that to her. And her mum replied, "It's because boys do that to girls when they like you." Do yourself a favor, don't get wrong advice. It'll stick in your brain and lead you to make stupid interpretations in life.

    9. You Think Short Term

    You'll hear this happening often in many 'successful' people's stories – make a lot of money to lose it all. This probably because they became too comfortable and the other thing is, once you achieve success, you should ride on the wave when the momentum is there. When you think short term, you're only going after the instant pleasure. You must learn to master 'delay gratification' so that you can enjoy your today's labor.

    10. You're Blinded With What Is Important In Life

    I believe there are only two things that are important in your life – control of time and experiencing happiness. Money, love, big cars, diamonds, etc are the things that contribute to these 2 benchmarks of successes. For instance, if you have money, you don't need to work so that you can have more time to do the things you like. It's not the money that you're trying to get but what the money CAN DO FOR YOU. I know this topic is bigger than one sentence explanation but I guess you get the point. You're a smart fella.
    So now you know the 10 ways to fail in life. Question is, are you doing any of these? I'll be BS'ng you if I said I don't. I'm human dude, flesh and blood - I do mistakes too.

    But I was fortunate to experience my fair share of success today because I learn powerful lessons from other successful people...
    "It's okay to fail and you should fail as many times as you can. That is how you learn but more importantly, you should never give up – each time you get kick dirt in your face, wash your face and 'fight' back. Don't go crying like a sissy because Mum's not going to come cleaning your face."

    Patric Chan

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    Default Re: Avoid these and you'll automatically be on the

    One thing you must always keep in mind is that learning is a process of discovering the new. It’s getting access to things you don’t know you don’t know.

    Because most people demonstrate they have learned the skills of financial underachievement, it stands to reason that they are capable of learning skills. Skills can only be learned over time and they can only be learned with repetition. No skill that I know of can be instantly learnt. All skills require time and practice. If people can learn the skills of financial underachievement, it must also be possible to learn the skills of being wealthy.

    All you need is some useful information, someone to mentor you in its application, time and practice.

    If you put all these together, and you apply all that you learn, you will become wealthy. It's the Law of Cause and Effect. True learning works from unenlightenment to enlightenment. It doesn’t work the other way around. The trouble with most people is that they stop learning very early in their lives and get stuck with blueprints of struggle and lack.

    To be successful on your wealth journey, you must employ the principle of total responsibility. If you are not prepared to take total responsibility for your present economic circumstances, and quit the blaming process, there is no need to read any further because you won’t find anything in these pages that will help you. As soon as you quit the blaming process and employ the principle of total responsibility, you move from a position of being out of control to a position of being in control of your financial destiny.

    The starting place for all wealth creation begins with protecting what you’ve already got and reclaiming the power of what you already earn. Most people start their wealth creation strategies from the wrong assumption. A popular one is that you must have money to make money. This is incorrect. If it were correct then there could be no stories about people who start from nothing and become multimillionaires in relatively few years. My story is one of these and I’ll share some of it with you.

    Basically I started with zero $’s and zero assets. What I did have was an absolute belief in myself, a passion for learning, a commitment to succeed and a determination never to go back to the lifestyle I was living. When I started off, one of the best things I did was give myself permission to be wrong. As soon as I gave myself permission to be wrong, I no longer had to do what everybody else was doing. I no longer had to think what they were thinking. I no longer had to believe what they believed and I no longer had to behave the way they behaved. As a result it only took me four years
    to make my first million dollars.

    As I said, the starting point for wealth creation is the protection of what you already have and the protection of what you already earn. You must protect yourself from people who want to lighten your economic load and not offer you knowledge and a commensurate learning experience in return. Most people attempt to solve the wrong problem and that’s the lack of money in their lives. In other words, they focus on the result and not the cause.

    Most people fail to solve the problem because in order to solve it you must use information and knowledge you don’t presently have. Without this knowledge you can’t solve the puzzle and you end up running around in circles and using the same money habits that are presently causing the results you’re achieving.

    If you want to be successful, somewhere along the line there must be some intervention strategies. You must change the way you think about wealth and to do this you need access to different knowledge.

    As mentioned above, most people start from the wrong place. Your starting point must be, "how can I reclaim the power of what I already earn?" Most of the 100% you already earn has no power. If you’re like most Australians you'll currently be spending around 115% of what you earn. If you’re like most Americans, you’ll be spending 125% of what you earn and you’ll be surviving on credit to make up the shortfall. This is simply not sustainable over the long-term. If you want financial success, this strategy, despite its popularity, will not work for you.

    If I ask you to reclaim 50% of the power of the money you already earn, you might say, "that’s all very well for you, but how do I live?" My response is, "that’s a better question than how do I get more income." It’s also a more appropriate problem to solve. Solve the problem of how you’ll live off 50% of the income you already receive and then use the surplus for your investment needs.

    There are many ways to solve this problem and, if you allow me, I’ll teach them to you. All you have to do is begin asking questions. There are many ways to solve this problem and of course we’ll teach them to you. All you have to do is begin asking questions.

    Paul counsel


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