"The Love of Friendship ...
The Friendship is a form of love "
The friends are different people,
Are those people who have that
Something that unites us ..
These are people who pass through our
Leaving footprints lives very large and deep ...
When circumstances
Life must move away ...
And when we are close
As fallen angels from heaven,
We lend its wings as if we forget flying ...
Carrying in his hands a calyx of love.
These are people who always
Are on our side, we tend his hand
And we embrace the heart.
There are those who look with only
Know your sentences,
Your joys and mitigate your disappointments.
Those people who appear
In our lives without which we propose
And find our soul
Chooses as friends because
The soul does not know mistakes
And recognizes their twins.
The friends are the most precious treasure
Of life
Not buying ... Not sold ...
Not gold ... Are not silver ...
Are not gems ...
But now wanted these treasures
Have the courage of a friend.
If you have a true friend
Penalties hurt your joys and your least increase
And above all remember ...
"If you have a friend just never estaras"
Loving a friend is to evaluate its presence
When we close
Amar is a friend venerate their recuedo
When it started.