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And when it is said unto them (Kuffars): Believe as these people [Sahabah [R.A]] believe; they say:Shall we believe as these foolish believes? Alert! they (Kuffars) are the foolish but they know not.
Narrated from Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W]: My Sahabah [R.A] are like the stars, whom you may follow, will get the right path. [Mishkawt]
I believe in the Oneness of ALLAH [S.W.T], Muhammad [S.A.W] is the last Prophet of ALLAH [S.W.T], Quran bestowed upon Muhammad [S.A.W] is doubtless from Al-Hamd till Wannas, all the Sahabah [R.A] were Mo'min, ALLAH [S.W.T] agreed with them and they with ALLAH [S.W.T], Ummahat-ul-Momineen [R.A] are the wives of Prophet Muhammad [S.A.W] and are the Noble Mothers of Muslims.
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