PTCL today announced that it is offering economy broadband package to its customers, with 1Mbps speeds but a monthly limit of 10 GB for download
/ upload at a monthly charge of Rs. 499.
This package, that can be suitable for those with limited internet activity, will allow customers to use extra bandwidth (after exceeding their quota) at Rs. 100 per additional GB.
Having said this, PTCL’s Economy Broadband Package comes with Freedom Package only, that will cost you Rs. 250 extra – but will allow you unlimited free calls, nation wide.
Package Details:
- Download up to 10 GBs is inclusive in the Package Price
- Rs. 100 per GB will be charged for downloads greater than 10 GBs
- Total DSL charges will be capped at Rs. 1,500 which means that after 20 GBs the Package will become unlimited.
- Rs. 1,500 will be charged as downgrade charges from other (Student & Regular) packages if they Opt into this package
- All other charges will be charged as per prevailing policy.
- This Package will be available with PSTN Freedom Package (Rs. 250) for new customers and existing customers can also avail Freedom Package with Broadband Economy Package.