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Thread: Valentines Day ki Haqiqat - Padhiye aur Suniye (mp3 & mp4)

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    exclaim Valentines Day ki Haqiqat - Padhiye aur Suniye (mp3 & mp4)

    Valentines Day ki Haqiqat

    Valentines Day Kiya Hai ?

    The Reality Of Valentines Day

    Book - Valentines Day ki Tabahkariya (Urdu)

    Valentine Day (Urdu).pdf

    Reality of Valentine's day

    Allaah blessed us with this great religion and guided us to the straight path; and it is more than sufficient for our requirements. Through this great religion, we receive contentment and guidance; from it we attain peace and security; and because of it love and harmony are spread. Allaah will grant might and honour to people in proportion to how much they adhere to this religion - and will humiliate people relative to how much of it they abandon and neglect.

    The religion of Islam is complete, so there is absolutely no need for invented opinions, innovated desires or man-made legislation. The blessings and favours that have been given to us by Islam are all-inclusive and so we do not have any need for seasons and occasions to be invented so that we may celebrate them. Allaah Says (what means): “This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favour upon you and have approved for you Islam as a religion.” [Quran 5: 3]

    Our religion is supreme; it is the most perfect one. It combines the good of this life and the Hereafter; it addressed the soul and was not heedless of the body; it gave preference to the Hereafter but did not neglect our needs in this life. Allaah Says (what means): “But seek, through that which Allaah has given you, the home of the Hereafter.” [Quran 28: 77]

    Our religion is a moderate religion that is neither negligent of any matter, nor does it exaggerate any issue beyond its rightful status. There is no monasticism in Islam, nor blind-materialism, Allaah Says (what means): “Thus We have made you a median (i.e. just) community that you will be witnesses over the people and the Messenger will be a witness over you.” [Quran 2: 143]

    How is it that the believers can squander this position, which Allaah granted them and become humiliated while they still have the Quran and the Sunnah to refer to? Why would we be pleased with becoming mere followers after enjoying the position of leadership? How can we go astray and become blind-imitators after being guides? What possesses a person to become a slave who carries out orders, after being a master? The answer to these questions lies in the saying of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam as narrated by Abu Sa’eed Al-Khudri Radi allahu anhu: “You will follow in the footsteps of those who came before you hand-span by hand-span and (the length of an) arm by arm, such that even if they enter into the dwelling place of a lizard you would still follow them.” The Companions asked: “O Messenger of Allaah, do you mean (by ‘those who came before you’) the Jews and the Christians?” He sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam replied: “Who else?” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim]

    It is no secret that some Jews and Christians conspire against the Muslim Ummah (nation) in order to destroy their morals and principles. They spend their valuable time, sacrifice their wealth, lay out elaborate plans and fully utilise all their resources in order to accomplish this. I swear by Allaah they have hit their target and wounded us deeply. It is from the unwavering characteristics of Allaah that he who works hard gets results and he who sows, shall reap a harvest. We are observing a new phenomenon recently that we never saw previously; we are seeing the different ways in which women are leaving their homes, uncovered and indecently dressed; we are witnessing people commit sins openly and unashamedly and even boast about them – and this is to say nothing of the trend of people casting doubts about the very fundamentals of Islam.

    If we go back in time to just thirteen years ago or so, we will remember that high values and good morals were prevalent in our communities. Shyness and chastity were the common held values and it was easier for a young man to carry a mountain on his back than to be seen walk along side a girl - and the consequences of being seen were even worse for the girl. If such people were to enter any neighborhood, the people would remove them by force and if they were to be seen by others, they would be looked at as being beneath contempt. Now, look at the situation through which we presently live and the diabolical low that we have sunk to and learn a lesson from that.

    So, once again, we have the army of disbelief attacking us, propagating the celebration of a holiday - and what a deceitful and treacherous holiday it is! A holiday which they have given a name other than its actual one in order to mislead people, they gave it a noble name to deceive the pure and the chaste. They called it the ‘day of love’, while it is actually the day of immorality, prostitution and drinking. They spread immorality dressed in the garment of virtue and this is the age-old method that Satan uses. Allaah exposed this tactic in His Book when He says regarding the deception of Satan of our father Aadam Alaihi Salam and our mother Hawwaa’ (what means): “And he swore (by Allaah) to them both: ‘Indeed, I am to you from among the sincere advisors’” [Quran 7: 21]

    Beware of the deceiver who approaches you with an advising tongue, for he knows that if he were to openly state his intention, he would never attain his objectives. Allaah Says (what means): “But they plan, and Allaah plans. And Allaah is the best of planners.” [Quran 8: 30]

    The history behind this innovated, immoral and infidel holiday is not known by many, here is a brief overview:

    It is claimed that pagan Greece used to celebrate on the fifteenth day of February every year which coincided with a spring holiday. At that time Christianity was new to the area. The emperor Claudius II forbade marriage for his soldiers. Valentine, a Christian priest challenged this command and used to conduct secret marriage sermons. He was soon discovered and was sentenced to death. While in prison he fell in love with the daughter of a prison guard, but this was a secret since Christianity forbade priests to marry or have romantic relations with women, but since he remained steadfast on Christianity, the people overlooked his crime of falling in love. The emperor offered to forgive him and make him one of his close companions and marry one of his daughters to him, on the condition that he gave up Christianity, but Valentine favoured Christianity and was executed on the fourteenth of February, 270 CE - the night before the celebration of the Greek spring holiday of the fifteenth of February. Ever since then, it was called ‘Priest Valentine’s holiday’. After the spread of Christianity throughout Europe, February the fourteenth was re-named ‘Valentine’s Day’ in his memory because (they claim) he sacrificed himself for Christianity and fostered those in love.

    That was the story behind this holiday. Unfortunately many young men and women were deceived by this, due to the weakness of their faith, ignorance of Islam, heedlessness and the lack of guidance by the Muslim scholars and leaders. The ignorant youth were hoodwinked into celebrating this holiday.

    Among the manifestations of this holiday are the giving of red roses, the wearing of red dresses, and exchanging special greetings, cards and gifts. This is a day where one is ‘supposed’ to remember their wives or lovers. This holiday is so ingrained in western culture that remembering this day and celebrating it has become a sign of ‘true and sincere love’ and it is not uncommon for one who forgets about this day to be thought of as ‘insincere’ and ‘untrue’ in his or her love!

    Every Muslim must know that this holiday was invented by the disbelievers and it is therefore unlawful to celebrate it according to the religion of Islam. There is no difference of opinion among the Muslim scholars regarding this.

    In fact, even if this holiday was invented by the Muslims it would still be unlawful to celebrate it. Hazrat Aa’ishah radi allahu anha narrated that the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: “He who innovates something in our matter (i.e. the religion of Islam), will have it rejected.” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] Anas Ibn Maalik narrated that when the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam came to Madeenah, he sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam found people celebrating a two-day memorial which dated back to the time of Jaahiliyyah (the pre-Islamic era). He sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said: “Allaah Has replaced these for you with two better days; the day of ‘Eedul-Adh-haa (sacrifice) and the day of ‘Eedul-Fitr (following Ramadhaan)." [Ahmad, An-Nasaa’i & Abu Daawood)]

    Imaam Ibn Hajar radi allahu anhu said: “It was extracted from this Hadeeth that it is not permissible to even be happy on any day which is celebrated by the disbelievers, and it is not permissible to resemble them. Shaykh Abu Hafs An-Nisfi Radi allahu anhu went as far as to say: ‘He who offers an egg as a gift to a disbeliever in glorification of their day of celebration becomes a disbeliever’”.

    A Muslim loves all that is good and the people of good, he wishes good for everybody.

    A Muslim loves his parents and does not disobey them, he shelters them and never shuns or abandons them, he cares for them and never deserts them or puts them in nursing homes as people do in the west, the home of immorality and disbelief.

    A Muslim loves his children and provides for them; he treats them fairly and equally and is a source of guidance for them.

    A Muslim loves his wife and respects her; he does not humiliate or embarrass her, he fulfils all her rights that she has upon him and he will never abuse her.

    A Muslim loves his brothers and sincerely advises them; he does not expose and advertise their mistakes, he keeps ties with them, protects their honour and dignity and never backbites or slanders them.

    A Muslim loves his sisters in faith and protects them; he respects them by lowering his gaze in front of them and would never be alone with one of them in a room.

    To us Muslims, love has a great meaning as Ibn Al-Qayyim Radi allahu anhu said: "For love and with love the heavens and the earth where created, galaxies formed and every aim reached its objective. Love is in the nature of people; it helped people overcome their shortcomings; it brought people close to Allaah; through it people lived a joyful life, tasted the sweetness of belief and accepted Allaah as their Lord, Muhammad Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam as His Messenger and Islam as the only religion."

    Our Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam set the very best example for love. Hazrat Aa’ishah Radi allahu anha told of his lasting loyalty to Hazrat Khadeejah Radi allahu anha. She said: “I was never jealous of any other wife of the Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam as I was of Khadeejah Radi allahu anha, she died three years before the Prophet married me, but he, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, would still mention her abundantly” and in another narration, “he, sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam, used to slaughter animals and send the meat as gifts to some of her friends (after her death).” [Al-Bukhaari & Muslim] This is well-founded love that is reflected by actions.

    Out of concern for the Ummah, the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam guided to that which establishes love between them and explained that it is the means by which they will attain Jannah (Paradise). He sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam said as narrated by Abu Hurayrah : “You will not enter Jannah until you believe, and you will not believe until you love one another. Shall I guide to that which would make you love one another? Spread greetings (salaam) abundantly amongst yourselves.” [Muslim]

    The Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam guided us to another way to establish love amongst ourselves, as Abu Hurayrah Radi allahu anhu narrated: “Exchange gifts, you would thereby attain love for one another.” [Al-Bayhaqi and others] He sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam also said, as narrated by Anas Ibn Maalik Radi allahu anhu and others that: “If a man feels love for his brother, then let him inform him of this.” [Ahmad, At-Tirmidhi and others] There are many other Hadeeths which reflects his eagerness to spread love amongst the community as well as all the things that would lead to it. He sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam would also warn against things that might weaken or obstruct it.

    We are living in an era where values are upside down, facts are hidden and things are given other than their actual name. Immorality, sinning and adultery are called love; decency, chastity and respect are called sicknesses; living a respectable married life is thought of as burdens and restrictions; those who adhere to Islam and practice the Sunnah of the Prophet sallallaahu alaihi wa sallam are labelled as backward and old-fashioned; imitating disbelievers and resembling sinners is called known as progression and development; dancing, singing and impudence has become known as ‘art’. All these are signs of the impending Hour.

    Allaah Says (what means): “Be not deceived by the (uninhibited) movement of the disbelievers throughout the land, (It is but) a small enjoyment; then their (final) refuge is Hell, and wretched is the resting place!” [Quran 3: 196-197] Do not be deceived by them and what they doing because this life is a temporary one and it is vanishing fast. Allaah Says (what means): “But the Hereafter is better and more lasting” (Al-A’laa: 17) and also: “It will be, on the Day they see it, as though they had not remained (in the world) except for an afternoon or a morning thereof.” [Quran 79: 46]

    Do not allow the uncertain to fool you; don’t allow the disbelievers to misguide you; be proud of your religion and your celebrations; preserve your identity; and do not resemble or imitate the disbelievers because it leads to destruction and Hell.


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    Default Re: Valentines Day ki Haqiqat - Padhiye aur Suniye (mp3 & mp4)

    Jazak ALLAH khair

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    Default Re: Valentines Day ki Haqiqat - Padhiye aur Suniye (mp3 & mp4)

    Jazak Allah

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    Default Re: Valentines Day ki Haqiqat - Padhiye aur Suniye (mp3 & mp4)

    jazakALLAH khair ....

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    Celebrating the Valentine Day is not permissible because:

    Firstly, it is an innovated holiday that has no basis in the Shareeah.

    Secondly, it calls to love and passion.The things that result from that, such as partying, idle play, singing, music, insolence, impertinence, unveiling, mixing of men and women, and the appearance of women before non-mahrams, etc., are all things which are haraam, or are means which lead to immorality.

    Thirdly, it calls to keeping one's heart busy with nonsense matters which contradict the guidance of the righteous predecessors, may Allah azwajal be pleased with them.

    So it is not permissible that anything from the signs of that holiday takes place on that day, whether it relates to eating, drinking, clothing, giving gifts, or other than that.

    This involves imitating and resembling the kuffar in venerating that which they venerate and respecting their festivals and holidays, and imitating them in some of their religious practices. In the hadeeth it says, “Whoever imitates a people is one of them.”

    It is incumbent upon the Muslim to be proud of his/her religion and that he/ she does not blindly follow every crier. May Allah azwajal the Exalted protect Muslims from every trial, apparent and hidden, and that He give them protection and guidance.
    Last edited by shaikh_samee; 13-02-2014 at 04:07 PM.

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    JAZAKALLAH..............i will must add here that this day is "Zina Day" we should be against this day..coz we r muslims.ALHAMDULILLAH.............and we proud to b Muslims.....but unfortunatley we r showinh one side we r against the customs of kuffaar.but at the same time we celebrate them tooo.......e.g.i see at this forum..........wwe all r muslims......then why we r celebrating Valentine's day in competitions..........May ALLAH guide us to the right path....AAmeen...Summaameen......!
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    sorry paen haven't read the whole but read the story behind velentine,v can't ever find the example of pure n real love which Rasool sallalaho wasalam set..muhabbat tu phir wo hui na jo ap ko Hazrat Khadija se thi which never died with her.

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