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Musafah ki Sunnatein aur Aadab
Sunnah and Manners of Musafah (Handshake)
The two Ahadis of the Noble Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam
1. When two friends meet, shake hands, and recite Durud[salutations] upon the Beloved Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallamtheir past and future sins are forgiven before they separate.(Shu’abul Iman, pp. 451, vol. 6, Hadis 8944)
2. ‘When two Muslims meet and hold each others’ hands (handshake), Allah azwajal will accept their Du’a by His Grace and they will be granted absolution before parting their hands.’ (Musnad Imam Amad, pp. 286, vol. 4, Hadis 12454)
While shaking hands; if possible, read the following Du’a as well after reading Durood sharif : ' Yagfirullahu Lana Walakum' ('May Allah azwajal forgive us and you.’
The Du’a that two Muslims make while shaking hands willInshaAllah Taala be accepted and both will be forgiven before they part their hands InshaAllah Taala (Musnad Imam Ahmad, pp. 286, vol. 4, Hadis 12454)
Shaking hands removes hatred and animosity.
Whenever two Islamic brothers meet, they should say Salam [regards] and then shake both hands as it is Sunnah of the Sahabah Radi Allahu Anhum and even of the Blessed Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam (Mirat-ul Manaji, pp. 355, vol. 6)
It is the saying of our Beloved Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam “When two Muslims shake hands upon meeting and ask each other how they are, Allah azwajal descends a hundred mercies upon them of which ninety mercies are for the one who met more graciously and asked how the other was in a more pleasant manner.†(Mu’jam-ul- Awsa;, p. 380 vol. 5 Hadis 7672)
The Highly Glorified Prophet Sallalahu Alaihi Wasallam said, “A Muslim brother who shakes hands with another Muslim brother and there is no hatred in their heart against each other, Allahazwajal will forgive their past sins before they release their hands and whosoever looks at his brother with affection and does not have hatred for him in his heart, then both will be forgiven before he looks away.†(Kanz-ul-’Ummal, pp. 57, vol. 9)
Handshake is not merely the touching of the fingers; instead, it is Sunnah to use both hands. (Rad-dul-Mutar, pp. 669, vol. 9)
It is not Sunnah for both to just shake with one hand. The Sunnahis to shake with both hands.
The proper Sunnah method of hand shacking is that there shouldn’t be any handkerchief or any other object between the hands; palms of [both persons] should touch each other. (ibid) (Bahar-e-Shari’at, p. 98 vol. 16)
Shake hands enthusiastically with a smiling face, recite Salat-‘Alan-Nabi and if possible also recite the following Du’a: ' Yagfirullah Lana Walakum' ('May Allah azwajal forgive us and you.’)
You can shake hands every time you meet. It is Jayaz (Approved) to Shake Hands after every Salat (Namaz)
It is Makruh (disapproved) to kiss one’s own hands after the handshake. Those who are in the habit of kissing their palms after shaking hands should discontinue this practice. (Tabyin-ul-Haqaiq, pp. 56, vol. 7)
It is permissible to kiss the hands and feet of one’s parents.
very nice sharing
Jazak ALLAH khair
Very nice sharing thanks
jazakALLAH Khair.....