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Thread: Polling Of English Poetry June 2013

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  1. #1
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    snow Polling Of English Poetry June 2013

    Is Month Ka Topic Tha Despair
    Thank For Participation

    farida aslam

    My Despair Comes And Goes

    My Despair comes and goes
    It is not the ultimate despair,
    The despair of those who have forever lost hope
    The despair of those who have lost what they never will regain
    The despair of those for whom there is no way out
    No way to begin again
    No hope in any way forever

    My Despair comes and goes
    It is a small Despair compared to many others
    When I am in it of course
    I believe it like theirs Hopeless forever hopeless

    But then a new day begins,
    Or a friendly voice says a friendly word
    Or something good and positive happens
    Or the weather changes
    Or some hurt goes away
    Some sign comes
    And slowly slowly
    I am not there anymore.

    My Despair comes and goes
    It is not the worst Despair
    Not yet-

    Yesterday I was in Despair
    Today I am almost already not

    I pray my writing this
    Will help some despairing reader feel
    They too will hope again.

    Shalom Freedman

    Hidden words

    In Your Time Of Despair

    In your time of despair
    You feel it drawing near
    Pain and loneliness
    All pleasures held dear

    Tearing at your soul
    Ripping another hole
    Not knowing who you are
    Shattered and broken

    Drowning in solitary
    Loneliness and despair
    Clinging to life's edge
    Another day draws near

    Life and love's betrayal
    In your time of despair
    No sanctuary, No reassurance
    No longer a care

    Something is pulling you down
    Pulling you away from who you are
    Your soul cries in horror
    Of the fantasies that come and go

    Anger, betrayal and resentment
    You feel so isolated and alone
    With no friends, no family
    No true place to call home

    Joshua D. Fegley



    Despair is darkness-
    Despair is death inside and death in the world and death in one’s own sad soul-
    Despair is no way out -
    Despair is the place where one is forever stuck -
    Despair is the realization that one has done what one could – and one is not going anywhere else-
    Despair is the admission of failure-
    Despair is no sign of help anywhere around-
    Despair is so much lost-
    Despair is one‘s life is over-
    Despair is regret-
    Despair is the sense that one will never have the time to have another chance -
    Despair is ‘it’s finished’-
    Despair is no way out-
    Despair is going down and more down and more dark and more afraid all the time -
    Despair is the scream which hurts and does not stop the hurting -
    Despair is the understanding that even Death will not save one -
    Despair is that the pain will never end-not even with death.
    Despair is no way out again and again and again- without end.

    Shalom Freedman

    zindagi jee


    Despair is not the end of the world
    We go on in all our hopelessness
    and all our frustration and all our pain
    We go on-
    Because what alternative
    Do we have really?
    Death is not a happy option
    And loneliness at this stage
    Even worse pain-
    Tolerance is now the holy word
    Forbearance Patience
    Stoic quiet -
    Despair is not the end of the world
    But it’s not lovely either
    We go on thinking maybe some day some how
    It will be better
    It will-
    But not that much.

    Shalom Freedman


    It was not death, for I stood up,
    And all the dead lie down.
    It was not night, for all the bells
    Put out their tongues for noon.

    It was not frost, for on my flesh
    I felt siroccos crawl,
    Nor fire, for just my marble feet
    Could keep a chancel cool.

    And yet it tasted like them all,
    The figures I have seen
    Set orderly for burial
    Reminded me of mine,

    As if my life were shaven
    And fitted to a frame
    And could not breathe without a key,
    And 'twas like midnight, some,

    When everything that ticked has stopped
    And space stares all around,
    Or grisly frosts, first autumn morns,
    Repeal the beating ground;

    But most like chaos, stopless, cool,
    Without a chance, or spar,
    Or even a report of land
    To justify


    But Don't Despair

    Despair, if you must –
    But how's it going to pull you through?
    Despair, when you trust
    Naught since then there's naught to do.
    Despair, should you thrust
    Aside your pride, your self-esteem.
    And so despair, if it's dust,
    The only substance that you deem.
    Despair, when a gust
    Of slightly breeze can break your stance.
    And do despair, when lust
    Is your interpretation of romance.

    But don't despair, if you can care
    About the plight of any other being.
    And you can focus on the help,
    Support, and altruistic further actions
    For the seeing. Be believing,
    As despair will start receding
    All around – simply since you found
    A way to steer you clear
    From this: the very cause of your despair!

    So give to others; give them all a helping lift:
    Despair, you'll find will disappear –
    And that has got to be a well-deserved
    And saintly gift!


    Despair Of The Early Morning


    Despair of the early morning
    Despair of the darkness
    Despair of the Despair
    Despair of Old Age
    Despair of the road closed
    Despair of nothing to do
    Despair of nowhere to go
    Despair of endless errands
    Despair of money running out
    Despair of the message of Despair
    One transmits to those one loves.

    Despair that has to be resisted
    Despair that the light of the day
    Will help me overcome
    Despair I will pray my way out of
    Despair I will in the course of the day
    Sometime overcome.

    Not the great Despair
    The unending Despair
    The final Despair.

    The small Despair of who I am and where I am now.
    The Despair that still can be resisted,
    By the writing of a few awkward lines
    Early in the morning.

    Shalom Freedman


    Despair Comes Knocking

    When despair comes knocking
    There’s no one home
    Gone out shopping
    And not alone

    Despair comes knocking
    Every damn week
    I try not to care
    But he still leaves me weak

    But despair comes knocking
    Every single day
    I keep shooing him off
    And sending him away

    Despair comes knocking
    But what does he want?
    Is he here to stay?
    Or just here to taunt?


    * Despair *

    Not driven by fear or hope,
    But by despair,
    Driven by despair when I'm alone, trying not to mope,
    And I'm often alone.
    In a crowded room,
    Walking the streets in the morning boom,
    At a party full of company in a social tone,
    I'm alone.

    In my despair thrives a scream,
    Escaping from a buried coffin,
    It floods out in a rapid, raging stream,
    Angry, dying, my despairing scream.

    Despair is what writes these words,
    That inhumane scream which shakes this,
    Those innocent tears, reminiscent of gourds,
    Moisturizing the emotional paint,
    Making all other senses faint,
    These hands tremble not with fear or care,
    But instead with despair,
    Driving me when I'm alone.

    Kyle Sanders


    Aap Apni Sharing Ko Khud Vote Ni Kar Saktay...
    Polling Ki Last Date 28th June 2013 Hai...
    Winner 50% Polling Aur 50% Admins Decide Karay Ge

    Last edited by Zindagi; 21-06-2013 at 09:02 PM.

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    walaikum Assalam
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