Eid ki Namaz ka Tarika
Method of offering Eid Salah (Hanafi)
First make the following intention: “I intend to offer two Rak’at salah of Eid-ul-Fir (or Eid-ul-Adha) with six additional Takbirat, for the sake of Allah azwajal following this Imam.â€
Having made the intention, raise the hands up to the ears, utter "Allahu Akbar" and then fold the hands below the navel and recite the Sana. Then raise your hands to your ears, utter Allahu Akbar and leave them at sides; then raise hands to ears again, utter "Allahu Akbar"and leave them at sides; then raise hands to ears once again, utter Allahu Akbarand fold them. In short, hands will be folded after first and fourth Takbir while they will be left at sides after second and third Takbir. In other words, hands will be folded when something is to be recited in Qiyam after Takbir, while they will be left at sides when nothing is to be recitedS Then; the Imam is to recite Ta’aw-wuz and Tasmiyah in low voice whereas Surah Fatiah and another Surah will be recited loudly.
Thereafter, he will perform Ruku’. In the second Rak’at, the Imam is to first recite Surah Fatiah and another Surah aloud. After the ecitation, the Imam as well as all the followers will utter three Takbirat (the Imam would utter loudly and the followers in low voice) raising their hands to the ears each time and leaving them at sides; then Ruku’ will be performed with the fourth Takbir without raising hands and the rest of the salah will be completed as per usual method. Standing silent between every two Takbirat for the amount of time in which "Subhan Allah" can be uttered thrice is necessary.’ (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P781; Durr-e-Mukhtar, V3, P61 etc.)
For whom Eid salah is Wajib?
The Salah of both Eids (i.e. Eid-ul-Fir and Eid-ul-Adha) is Wajib. However, it is to be noted that Eid salah is not Wajib for everyone, instead, it is Wajib only for such people for whom Jumu’ah salah is Wajib. Further, neither Azan nor Iqamat is uttered for both Eid’s salah. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P779, Maktaba tul Madina, Babul Madina, Karachi; Durr-e-Mukhtar, V3, P51, Dar-ul-Ma’rifah Beirut)
The Sermon of Eid is Sunnah
The pre-conditions for the offering of Jumu’ah salah apply for the Eid salah as well. The only difference lies in Sermon which is a precondition for Jumu’ah salah whereas it is a Sunnah for the Eid salah. Similarly, the Sermon of Jumu’ah salah is delivered before the salah while that of the Eid salah is delivered after the salah. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P779; Alamgiri, V1, P150)
The time of Eid salah
The time of both Eid’s salah starts 20 minutes after sunrise and continues till Ni'f-un-Nahar-e-Shar’i. However, it is Mustaab to delay Eid-ul-Fir salah and offer Eid-ul-Adha salah early. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P781; Durr-e-Mukhtar, V3, P60)
What to do if somebody misses a Part of the Eid Jama’at?
If someone joins the Jama’at in the first Rak’at after the Imam has uttered the Takbirat, then he should utter the three Takbirat (other than the Takbir-e-Tarimah) instantly, even if the Imam may have commenced recitation. Utter three Takbirat only, even though the Imam said more than three Takbirat. If the Imam bent for Ruku’ before you uttered Takbirat, then don’t utter them in a standing posture, instead, perform Ruku’ with the Imam and utter the Takbirat in the Ruku’. However, if the Imam is in Ruku’ and you think that you can utter the Takbirat and join the Imam in Ruku’, then utter them whilst you are standing, otherwise, utter "Allahu Akbar", perform Ruku’ and then utter the Takbirat in Ruku’. If the Imam raises his head from Ruku’ before you finish the Takbirat in Ruku’ then do not utter the remaining Takbirat; they are no longer required.
If you joined the Jama’at after the Imam had performed the Ruku’ then do not utter the Takbirat, utter them when you offer the remaining part of your salah (after the Imam has performed Salam). Do not raise your hands when uttering the missed Takbirat in Ruku.’
If you join the Jama’at in the second Rak’at, then don’t utter the missed Takbirat of the first Rak’at now, instead, utter them when you perform the remaining part of your salah. Likewise, if you succeed in uttering the Takbirat of the second Rak’at with the Imam, its all right, otherwise, the same ruling as mentioned above with regard to the first Rak’at would apply. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P782; Durr-e-Mukhtar, V3, P64; ‘Alamgiri, V1, P151)
What to do if someone misses the whole Jama’at?
If someone missed the whole Jama’at of Eid-salah, whether he couldn’t join the Jama’at at all or his salah became invalid due to any reason after joining, then if possible, he should join Jama’at elsewhere; otherwise he cannot offer it (without Jama’at). However, it is preferable for him to offer four Rak’at of Chasht salah. (Durre-Mukhtar, V3, P67)
Rulings for the Khutbah (Sermon) of Eid
After the Eid salah, the Imam should deliver two Sermons. The acts that are Sunnah for the Jumu’ah Sermon are also Sunnah for the Eid Sermon; likewise, the acts that are Makruh for the Jumu’ah Sermon are also Makruh for the Eid Sermon. There are only two differences between both the Sermons. Firstly, it is a Sunnah for the Imam not to sit before the first Sermon of Eid salah whereas Imam’s sitting before first Sermon of Jumu’ah is a Sunnah. Secondly, in the Eid Sermon, it is a Sunnah for the Imam to recite "Allahu Akbar"nine times before the first Sermon, seven times before the second Sermon and fourteen times before coming down from the pulpit while uttering these Takbirat is not Sunnah for Jumu’ah Sermon. (Bahar-e-Shari’at, V1, P783; Durr-e-Mukhtar, V3, P67; ‘Alamgiri, V1, P150)