A child feels so weird,
He hasn’t seen the world much,
Relations have stayed out,
Danger was from them expected,
Therefore parents kept him away,
After being a sensible young man,
He was taken to the relations,
But not very fondly yet manageably,
Attachment wasn’t there either,
Yet blending in was attempted,
But to no success for attitudes were,
Very shocking and strange for him there,
Then father left for work purposes,
Leaving mother in custodial watch,
However for him it was upsetting,
Because she was openly free in speaking,
Which was bothersome to the boy,
Thus he remained quiet but disturbed,
Waiting for the day this tension will end,
Hope stayed with him all along,
Because Allah was with him all along!
کہاں اتنی سزائیں تھیں بھلا اس زندگانی میں
ہزاروں گھر ہوئے روشن جو میرا دل جلا محسنؔ
Thanks both..........