Everyone walking on the visible lands,
Everyone having a time,
To live his life and live with joy,
As well as you too!
One happy family,
One happy family,
Stays together in all of times,
One happy family!
Joyously working,
And joyous they are,
The ones who care for all,
They live in happiness throughout their lives,
And their families they do too!
One happy family,
One happy family,
Stays together in all of times,
One happy family!
One day as it happened to be,
A mother was told,
That her son was a lazy boy,
And tore his family too…
But luckily through the help of prayers,
Her son came too!
One happy family,
One happy family,
Stays together in all of times,
One happy family!
One happy family,
One happy family,
May they live in happiness,
Throughout their lives,
One happy family!
کہاں اتنی سزائیں تھیں بھلا اس زندگانی میں
ہزاروں گھر ہوئے روشن جو میرا دل جلا محسنؔ