(Few Words from Kid)
I cannot sleep after that shocking bomb blast
It is possible it was different than the past
During this incident, I was playing the cricket
Death was increasing intensity of destruction
Blood and flesh pieces were flew in the air
Before someone try to run for the help
The refugees were try to loot the money
The injured lives were crying for the mercy
How horrible views I had seen of bloodshed
How mentally emotional this all has me made
I hope people will forget this entire nightmare
I hope wounds of sadness would be recover
With ointment of time & hope of bright future
Are those people who killed by the bomb blast
Are they come in the world with their half-lives
The waste of lives like the curse from God
Which has made the warm lives into cold
May God give them rest in peace after that all
Sometime few tears are not enough for sorrows
Sometime needs a whole life for sorrows & grief