Vanilla muffins

1530496 394832147327497 827921585 n - Recipe of the day ~ 28thth Jan 2014 ~


1. All purpose flour/ Maida 1 and a half cup
2. Sugar ¾ cup
3. Baking powder 2 tsp
4. Salt half tsp
5. Milk half cup
6. Oil ¼ cup
7. Egg 1
8. Chocolate chips half cup ( optional )

Method ;

Preheat oven at 180c.
Greased or lined the muffins tray.
Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl and then add wet ingredients in it.
At last fold Chocó chips with spatula. Now fill ¾ th liners with this mixture.
Bake 15 to 20 minutes till nice golden from top.