تیری انگلیاں میرے جسم میںیونہی لمس بن کے گڑی رہیں
کف کوزه گر میری مان لےمجھے چاک سے نہ اتارنا
پھر یوں ہوا کے درد مجھے راس آ گیا
"Bahu: Babu jee, I'm going to Mall with my friends.
Alok Nath: OK... but take my Sanskar.
Bahu: Abb Bass Bhi Kijiye.
Alok Nath: I said... take my ""Son's Car""!"
So Ladies and Gentlemen
Ap logon ke BharPur Taliyon Mein
Tashreef La rahi hain
Garymiyaaaaaaan !!! "
Husband to wife, "Wow Darling, the house is so clean. Was the Whatsapp server down today?"
Wife: No.
Husband was completely surprised!
Wife: I lost my phone charger, had to put things in place to look for it!