In this era of science and technology, all activities of our daily lives whether it is personal or professional are becoming totally technology dependent. One of its practical examples is mobile phone Short Messaging Service (SMS) which is one of the most widely used methods of communication among masses. The usage of technology is very high in urban areas of Pakistan but the need of hour is that to give this usage a positive direction. The case of SMS is very obvious, that majority population of Pakistan is aware of using SMS and not only just aware of, infact using it for their personal and professional needs. The very same technology can be used very well for conducting surveys and getting the opinion of majority mobile users. According to PTA, mobile subscribers have been increased up to 125 millions in last year 2013.
There has been a lot of programming efforts and development done in this sector. User can send SMS from desktop and web-based software to their clients. Some system only supports this for intimation purposes, some support personalized SMS and some support for conducting SMS based surveys and quizzes. is one of those effort, which offers users to send group messaging to their clients or students on their mobile phone, not only one can send personalized SMS, one can also conduct SMS based survey or quizzes. It shows the survey or quiz result graphically using Google graphs.
The same technology can be used for multi-purposes. For example, sending auto-alert earthquake notifications, sending result to the student based on their SMS query, sending Quranic verses and translations based on user query on SMS, location based services using SMS etc.
Free Group SMS in Pakistan
Free Branded SMs