After actor Komal, it is now actor Jayaram Karthik, who has decided not to enter Bigg Boss house. Actor J Karthik on his face book page posted, "To all my lovely people "I AM NOT GOING TO BIGG BOSS" . Last year I had already told I will not go and never go to Bigg Boss. I have to practice for my club cricket for the upcoming KSCA league tournament! It's nice that my club City Cricketers still considered me!"
J Karthik was last seen in the movie Sa, directed by Hemanth Hegde. Even in the last season, J Karthik's name had surfaced as one of the contestants of the famous reality show Bigg Boss, hosted by Kichcha Sudeep. The fourth season of Bigg Boss which will start from October will be aired on Colors Kannada.