Bigg Boss 10 house witnessed many ups and downs among the contestants in its first week. With such an interesting week, Salman’s appearance on the weekend was the cherry on the cake. During the Weekend Ka Vaar, Salman Khan interacted with every contestant and asked them about their experience. Om Swami and Priyanka Jaggawere not spared for their intolerant behavior that they showed throughout the week. Now before we proceed to give some Exclusive sneak peek about the nominations, let’s us remind you that Priyanka Jagga has been EVICTED from the house.
Now, we EXCLUSIVELY reveal commoners (Indiawale) have broken the biggest rule of the show. Yes, before starting the procedure of nominations, Bigg Boss announced that Indiawale has been found guilty for discussing nominations and breaking the biggest rule of the show. Yes, that has happened!That’s not all! Bigg Boss did not spare the commoners and asked them to be the “SEVAKS†of the house and now, celebrities are the “MAALIKSâ€. Yes, tables have turned and as a punishment commoners are the “Sevaksâ€.This is going to be totally interesting and we can’t wait to see what celebrities do after getting all the power to enjoy a relaxing time in the house. Will celebrities turn cruel against commoners like they did to them or will they maintain their decency? That only time will tell!Also, stay tuned we will announce NOMINATIONS soon!