Lokesh accused Naveen of cheating in the task as the count of her blocks fell after the buzzer rang and Lopa did the last count. Akanksha and Nitibha along with other Indiawale came to console her and Lokesh abused Naveen for the first time, saying she never uses cuss words but she will for him.
The promos for tonight’s weekend ka vaar show Salman requesting housemates not to nominate Swami Om while he sings Yeh Mera Dil on national television. The housemates are then woken up by Bigg Boss by playing Happy Diwali song in the morning and the house is all decked up with rangoli and flowers.
Swami Ji's Ironic Moment
Quite ironically, Swami says, “Mujhe kuch logon ki soch pe taras ata hai,†while he pitted Mona against Indiawale by trying to brainwash her.
Diwali gifts in the house
Bigg Boss sent gifts for the housemates for Diwali. Mona got emotional in the jail while Manu agreed to share his gifts with her. Karan received a long handwritten letter from his wife Nisha. Karan got emotional again after seeing all gifts around him.
Bigg Boss finally ended the jail avadhi of Swami and Monalisa to celebrate Diwali. Manu said Baba chhodne layak aadmi nahi hai, while Baba kept on delivering a thank you speech for Bigg Boss. Housemates feel Baba eats some pills which keep him energetic to talk all the time.
Housemates got a luxury budget hamper and they performed a Diwali pooja.
Nitibha and Lokesh got a little surprise from Bigg Boss as gifts from their families while they thought they were the only ones who didn’t receive gifts.
Selfie contest
A selfie and photography competition was thrown in the court by Bigg Boss while guru ji was the judge of the task. The theme and set of the photography competition had skeletons and spiders with a Halloween feel.
There’s a love story brewing in the house and we all know Mona has apparently found a darling.