Hide Name In Start Menu is another free utility by intelliadmin which lets you hide your name on the windows start menu at the top in windows xp

StartMenuWithName thumb - Hide Name In Start Menu In Windows StartMenuWithoutName thumb - Hide Name In Start Menu In Windows

</p>As Shown in the screenshot above you can see one with user name not hidden in the start menu and the second snapshot does not have the start menu text as username.

There are two methods with which you can remove or hide your name in start menu.

Method 1 : ( Geeky Way )

1. Open Start Menu >> Run, type regedit.msc and press enter

2. Navigate to the following path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion \Policies\Explorer

3. And add the following dword value: NoUserNameInStartMenu and set it to 1 if it does not exist in the registry.

4. Exit Registry and Reboot your computer

Method 2: ( Using the Free Intelliadmin Utility )

1. Download this utility from here, double click to run it as it does require installation

HideUserStartMenu thumb - Hide Name In Start Menu In Windows

2. Click on the option which says Name removed from Start Menu

3. You may need to reboot after doing all this.