I was trying to get the quickest way through which i can open my favourite folders and programs through run prompt, you must be wondering why I should rather make desktop shortcuts for those programs and folder and place them directly on the desktop and access them quickly.

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But I don’t want flood my desktop with more shortcuts as I want it to be as clean as possible. So, I thought of accessing these folders and files with some alias names like through run prompt.

1. d for open C:\Downloads directory

2. a to open C:\abhi directory

3. i to launch iTunes program

and so on.

Finally after some googling and hit and trails I was successful to access any of my favourite program or directory with alias names as commands through run prompt directly.

Read on to know more about how did i do it.

Before starting I would like to state out some windows basics behind it, Any file or shortcut you place inside C:\windows folder is a command for run prompt and this applies from all the windows version including Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 also, This fact forms the basis of the trick.

1. In my case I have a favourite folder called downloads, first I need to make a desktop shortcut for this folder, by right clicking on the folder and select Send To >> Desktop ( create shortcut )

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2. Now, open you windows Desktop and rename that shortcut from Downloads to d or any other short name with which you can recognise that folder or program

3. Cut and Copy the new renamed shortcut d to C:\Windows folder, that’s it you can now type the d only in run prompt and press Enter to open that folder.

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You can apply the procedure to open any other directory you have on your local hard drive or on network share, you can also open your favourite programs with short an easy to remember alias names through run prompt.