The latest buzz doing rounds in tinselville is that Akshay Kumar has been roped in to play the historical figure Tatya Tope in two separate projects — one being Sushmita Sen's directorial debut Rani Laxmibai and the other touted to be a historical saga based on the freedom fighter's life, a joint venture between Firoz Nadiadwala and the I&B ministry. However, the action king reveals that he has signed neither of the two. Brushing away all rumours of him playing any historical character, he says, "It would be an honour to bring a stalwart to life on celluloid. However, I have a list of films which I have to complete, before I take on any new project. Films on history or great characters need research and time. And if I don’t have either I wouldn’t even think about it. So, I am definitely not a part of any such films at the moment." Seems like the action hero who's Bolly bag is already bulging full of action projects is in no rush to jump on the historical bandwagon yet!