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Thread: Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

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    wink Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    i - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    Hiding your private files and folders could be very important when you don’t want others to see files on your pen drive, on the other hand some people may not like others to use their USB pen drive.

    Today we will share a simple trick which can make your drive contents invisible including all files and folders and will also make your drive write protected so that no one can add further files on your pen drive.

    hidependrive thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    The whole process of hiding files and folders on your drive involves the use of a small third party program which is free to use, and a small command you need to run from command prompt.

    Let’s discuss the trick, I hope you like this trick of hiding contents on your USB Drive.

    1. Put some data on the USB Pen drive.

    2. Download a small executable program called lockngo (Demo Version) from here.

    3. Copy lockngo.exe to your USB pen drive.

    lockngo thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    4. Double click lockngo.exe and press Lock button.

    lockfilespendrive thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    5. After clicking the Lock button, it will display a small message saying please wait until the hiding of drive contents is complete, time taken will depend on the size of the files and folder on the drive.

    pleasewait thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    6. After the locking is complete, it will automatically open your drive with a single file lockngo.exe on it.

    7. Now, open Start Menu >> Run, type cmd and press Ok.

    8. Type the following commands to hide the lockngo.exe file

    8.1 Type the drive letter in the following format and press Enter Key

    For example J: and press Enter Key ( assuming the drive letter of your USB pen drive is J )

    8.2 Type the following command to hide lockngo.exe

    attrib +s +h +r lockngo.exe

    hidefilespendrive thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    Note: Above command make the last file lockngo.exe as system+hidden+read only file which by default in any windows system is invisible even if show hidden files and folders is checked.

    But make sure that under File menu, Tools >> Folder options >> View tab, hide protected operating system files (Recommended) is checked.

    hideprotectedfiles thumb - Hide Files and Folder In USB Portable Drive

    9. That’s it, Browse your pen drive you will see it empty with no files visible and it will also make your drive write protected means no one can add more files on your drive.

    How To Unlock All Drive Contents

    When ever you want to un hide the files on your drive, run the following commands on command prompt.

    attrib –s –h -r and double click lockngo.exe again to show all the hidden files and folders on your drive.

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