i - Protect Folders On USB Pen Drive – Access Denied T


Want to make some of pen drive folders as private that only you can open those folders.
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Let’s see how can you make some folder protected or access denied to other users.


1. First make sure that your USB pen drive supports NTFS file system.

Note: if you don’t know how to check whether your pen drive supports NTFS File system then follow the next step you will come to know

2. Backup all the data from your pen drive on your computer hard drive.

3. Right click on the Pen Drive Icon in My Computer, select format.

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4. Now, select NTFS as file system, click the option which says quick format and click Ok.

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5. Now open your pen drive and copy your data including private folders on the pen drive.

6. Right click on your private folders on your drive and select Properties and click the Security Tab.

7. Click on the Edit button to deny access permissions to all the other users.

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8. Now, In order to deny the access permissions to all the other users, you will need to set deny permissions for everyone user group.

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9. Click Apply and then Ok button after selecting the deny permissions through checkboxes.

10. That’s it, this folder on your pen drive will become access denied to all the users including you.

access denied folders thumb - Protect Folders On USB Pen Drive – Access Denied T

But you know how to remove the protection by un checking the checkboxes under Deny Permissions.