It could be a case when you have most of your songs or other multimedia songs which you want to listen on your mobile phone or mp3 player but they doe not support Mp4 (MPEG-4) formats.
Free Mp4 To Mp3 converter lets you convert any mp4 video song for example to mp3 which you can listen any time. It will not only convert mp4 to mp3 but also supports some popular formats like AVI, DivX, Xvid, FLV (Flash Video), Quicktime Video (.mov), DVD video, VOB video and more to be converted into Mp3.
You can use this program to make an original sound track from any movie you want it is so easy to use and fast in operation.
In other words it a is a free program which lets you convert any video to mp3 converter.
Following types of conversion is allowed with free mp4 to mp3 converter
- MP4 to MP3 Conversion
- MPEG to MP3 Conversion
- AVI to MP3 Conversion
- MOV to MP3 Conversion
- FLV to MP3 Conversion
- DVD to MP3 Conversion
- VOB to MP3 Conversion
This free converter for various video format is supported on all the windows operating system from Windows 95 to Windows 7
Download Free Mp4 to Mp3 Converter