i - Backup Device Drivers Before Windows Reinstall or


One of the major windows problem for any windows user is locating, downloading and installing the device drivers on a windows reinstall after formatting the hard drive.
How can I back up all the device device drivers installed on my computer and restore the backup after windows reinstall.
driver backup thumb - Backup Device Drivers Before Windows Reinstall or

DriverBackup is a free software which copies all the installed device drivers on your windows computer and creates a self restoring backup which you can use to restore all the device drivers.


In order backup all the drivers on your computer, follow the procedure given on how to use DriverBackup.

1. Download DriverBackup from here

2. Simply unzip the program to any folder and execute the program and click Start Backup to start the backup for all the drivers installed.

3. Store the backup some where on hard drive

driverbackup running thumb - Backup Device Drivers Before Windows Reinstall or

4. That’s it Done.

You can restore the backup of the drivers any time you want, as it creates a self extracting backup.

Download DriverBackup