Free youtube video uploader allows you to upload videos to your youtube account. It allows you to upload multiple videos together in one go to youtube.
Another reason for you to use this application to upload videos to your account is that you can optimize the video before uploading the video. You can specify the Title of the video, Description of the video, Tags to be added for the video and category in which video should be added.
It supports almost all the popular video formats like avi, mpeg, mpg, 3gp, mp4, flv, wmv. amv etc and lot more other video formats also.
This tool is quite useful to upload multiple videos to youtube but contains the popular adware toolbar which you can avoid at the time of installation. In order to avoid ask toolbar installation on your computer you will need to uncheck three checkboxes at the time of installation. (as shown in the image above)
Make sure to uncheck all the three check boxes which say
- I accept the license agreement and want to install and enable ASK toolbar
- Enable address bar search feature
- Set my home page to
Download Free YouTube Uploader