di - NetShareMonitor – Monitor Your Shared Folders Bein
di - NetShareMonitor – Monitor Your Shared Folders Bein

NetShareMonitor is a free to use application which allows you to watch your shared folder being accessed and you can also protect your shared folders from unauthorized access.

netsharemonitorfoldershares thumb - NetShareMonitor – Monitor Your Shared Folders Bein

It will detect when ever a remote user connects to your machine to access your shared folders. It will provide the session information includes remote host address, remote user name, list of accessed files and time of connection.

Finally Concluded It Could Be the Best Software For Two Things

  • Watch against unauthorized access to the shared files and folders on your computer
  • Protect your system against network worms which may enter through your shared folders

You can also alert yourself with some music file it will play whenever a remote session is started or some one access your shared folder. ( as shown in the settings window screenshot of NetShareMonitor )

netsharemonitorsettings thumb - NetShareMonitor – Monitor Your Shared Folders Bein

Download NetShareMonitor