Recently Apple announced the release of the firmware update for iPhone and iPod Touch. iPhone and iPod Touch
Firmware 3.0 OS is the second major firmware update for iPhone and iPod Touch. For the users of iPhone 2G and 3G, the upgrade to iPhone firmware 3.0 OS is available for free. However, iPod Touch users will need to pay
$9.95 to upgrade to OS 3.0.
The Apple is favoring the iPhone users making the firmware available to its iPhone users for free has made many Apple iPod user unhappy. The iPod firmware 3.0 was available on torrent from the third week of March. But the firmware was beta style and we all know how this beta style works. So it was not recommended to all of its users not to download the available firmware.
The new iPhone OS 3.0 Software Update combine some new great features with all the features from previous updates. This new OS will let its user run the next generation applications of iPhone, like peer-to-peer games and more.
The new exciting features of iPod Touch 3.0 are as follows:
§ Buy Movies, TV Shows, and Audio books via Wi-Fi
§ Stereo Bluetooth
§ Cut, Copy & Paste
§ Automatic Wi-Fi Login
§ iTunes Store Account Creation
§ Third-party Game Accessories
§ Shake to Shuffle
§ Peer-to-Peer Gaming
§ Landscape Keyboard
§ Spotlight Search
For all these features a iPod user need to spend just $9.95 to update its iPod Touch. But iPod Touch users don’t get dishearten we will tell you how to upgrade your iPod Touch for
FREE. Here are simple steps that you need to follow:
- First of all you need to download and install iTunes 8.2. To download iTunes 8.2 click HERE.
2. Then DownloadiPod Touch 2G Firmware 3.0 IPSW
. To download clickIPSW*iPod2,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw & iPod Touch 1G Firmware 3.0 IPSW. To download click**iPod1,1_3.0_7A341_Restore.ipsw.
3. Then you need to connect your iPod Touch to computer.
4. Then Start iTunes 8.2 & Select iPod Touch from devices list.
5. Then you need to Hold Shift and click Restore.
6. Then Locate iPod Touch ipsw files downloaded in step 2.
7. Be cautious of not to disconnect till iTunes has completed updating iPod Touch.