Imaan will not be tested in the Masjid because a Masjid is not a
place for the testing of Imaan. It would obviously be very easy to be
pious and abstain from sins therein. The testing grounds of Imaan are
the streets, universities, bazaars and businesses.

What kind of Imaan do we display, if we indulge in illicit
relationships at the high schools, universities, etc., if we cast
lustful glances at every woman who passes by us on the streets and if
we cheat our customers, commit fraud and employ semi-nude women to work
along side us in our businesses, believing that by employing them we
will be saving on salary?

Know that at such places our Imaan will definitely be tested. At
such times we have to project and assert our Imaan and Islam. If the
person passes the tests here, then indeed this person has tasted of the
sweetness of Imaan.