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Thread: 'Allah created mercy in 100 parts'

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    'Allah created
    mercy in 100 parts'

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    Hadhrat Abu Hurairah (Radhi Allaho anho) related that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Allah created mercy in one hundred parts and sent down to earth only one part. Because of this one part, there is mutual love amongst creation, so much so that an animal will lift up its hoof from its young one, fearing that it might harm it. Allah has reserved the remaining ninety-nine parts of this mercy to favour His believing servants on the Day of Judgment. " (Bukhari and Muslim)

    Hadhrat Umar (Radhi Allaho anho) related: Once there was a woman who was frantically searching for someone amongst the prisoners of war who had been brought to the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam). When she found a child amongst the prisoners, she took it and pressed it against her chest for it to ++++le.

    At that point the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) turned to his Companions and said: "Do you think that this woman will ever allow her child to be thrown into a fire?" They said: By Allah! As far as it lies within her power, she will never allow the child to be thrown into a fire. The Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) then said: "Indeed Allah is kinder to His servants than this woman is to her child." (Muslim)

    Abdullah bin Umar (Radhi Allaho anho) relates that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) mounted the pulpit and said in a loud voice: "O You who have accepted Islam with your tongues, but in whose heart faith has not yet entered! Do not annoy the Muslims nor revile them, nor seek out their faults. For whosoever seeks out the fault of his brother Muslim, Allah will seek out his faults. He whose faults are sought out by Allah, then Allah will expose him, even if he is inside his house." (Muslim)

    Hadhrat Ubadah bin Saamit (Radhi Allaho anho) related that the Holy Prophet (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) said: "Whosoever seeks forgiveness for the believing men and the believing women, Allah will record for that person -- equivalent to every believing man and believing woman -- a good deed." (Majma'-uz-Zawaaid)

    Hadhrat Amr bin Abasah (Radhi Allaho anho) said: I came to the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam) and said: O Messenger of Allah! Who is with you in this matter: He said: "A free man and a slave." (Meaning Abu Bakr and Bilal). I asked: What is Islam? He replied: "Good speech and serving food."

    I asked: What is faith? He replied: "Patience and excellence." I asked: What Islam is the most excellent? He replied: The one from whose hands and tongue other Muslims are safe." I asked: What faith is most excellent? He replied: "Good character." I asked: What prayer is most excellent? He replied: "Standing in humility and recitation for a long while."

    I asked: Which migration is most excellent. He replied: "That you leave that which your Lord hates." I asked: What Jihad is most excellent? He replied: That in which one's stead is injured and one's blood is shed." I asked: What hour is most excellent? He replied: The last half of the night." (Ahmad)

    Hadhrat Abu Jaree Jaabir bin Saleem said: I have seen a man whose opinion is followed, he does not say anything except that they take it. I said: Who is he? They said: This is the Messenger of Allah (Sall Allaho alaihe wasallam). I said (twice): 'Alaik-us-Salaam (upon you be Allah's prayers) O Messenger of Allah. He said: "Do not say 'Alayhis-salaam, for that is the greeting of the dead, rather say: Assalaam-o-'Alaika.

    I said: Are you the Messenger of Allah? He said: "I am Allah's Messenger, whom if an affliction touches you and you were to invoke Him, He removes it. And if a year of famine comes upon you and you invoke Him, He causes the crops to sprout for you. And if you were in a water-less desert and your she-camel strays and you invoke Him, He returns it to you."

    I said: Give me advice. He said: "Do not abuse anyone." After that, I did not abuse any free man, slave, camel or sheep. He said: "Do not look down upon any good work, and when you speak to your brother then be cheerful to him by your face, and that is from goodness..." (Abu Dawood, Ahmad and Haakim)

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    jazak Allah

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