Blood level of LDL cholestrol ( Bad One)
that blocks arteries rises in women at
the menopause ( Start after 45 age
normally ) , but no changes were seen in
risk factors for Heart attack, stroke,
and other cardio vasculcular (related
to heart) problems, a recent study has

This suggests that as wome approach
menopause, they should get their lipid
profiles ( various blood tests for Cho-
lestrol) checked said Karen Methew,
a study lead author University of
Pettsburg, USA. Increaased cholestrol
definately effect women's health says
Doc. Vere Bitner a professor of the
Universwsity of Alabama, USA.

At the beginning of menopause, LDL
of women rose to 10.5 to 9 % and
average total cholestrol level increased
to 6.5%. The study suggests that women
should pay more attentiion to life style
factors. The should loose weight and
increase physical activities. And also
should be particular about their diets
by avoiding saturated fats contains in
fast and junk foods.