For most of her life she never felt like much.
She couldn't imagine anyone ever wanting her touch.
When she looked in the mirror it was flesh she saw,
It wasn't perfect, all she saw were the flaws.

But each day she gave to the ones in her life,
With never a thought of being anyone's wife.
She reached out her hand to anyone in need,
Never feeling like she deserved a good deed.

The people around her saw a heart of gold,
A warm shelter for anyone that ever been cold.
She was a ray of sunshine, laughter to cure the blues,
She gave hope to many, yet she never had a clue.

An angel of love, a child of the light,
She always tried to do what she felt was right.
Giving and loving every day was her pleasure,
But she didn't know she was such a treasure.

Inner beauty that was seen by all who looked,
Not the look of a fashion model on the cover of a book.
If only she could see what other people saw,
She would walk as a queen, proud and tall!