Have a pakka dost you just can’t stop talking to? Good because now djuice gives din raat and jagtay raho subscribers, 2 minutes free after every minute. djuice subscribers on other packages can also get the goods in the form of a minute free after every minute whenever they call their pakka dost. So don’t worry about being left hanging because djuice is here to make sure your money and friendships last.

The How…
Simply dial *345*101# to activate your FnF

The Price...
Calls to Friends & Family numbers: Rs 0.5 (plus tax) / 30 seconds

The Fine Print...
Limited time offer
Standard FnF charges of 50 paisa/30 Sec apply
Apart from din raat and jagtay raho all other djuice price plans get 1 minute free
19.5% FED on usage and 10% withholding tax on bill apply
Using SIM without proper documentation is a crime-PTA