Warner Brothers will release the
next two Harry Potter Movies
in 3D, a move underscoring the post
Avatar rush for extra - dimensional
box-office returns.

The move of Potter into the extra
dimension could prompt other high
profile moves. Could a 3D ( D= Dimension)
James Bond loom? Warners decision
with its Potter franchise is likely at
leastto prompt 3D discussions between
007 and MGM producers.

The only previous Potter pic to dabble in
3D was last year's Harry Potter And The
Half Blood Prince, which included brief
footage viewable in 3D in Imax venuses.
It is so far unclear whether Potter's
author J.K. Rowling had to okay the
move in to the third dimension. As per
impact of box-office prospects for
the final two Potter sequels ( Continuation
of series ) considered than more
imminent (near) situation.

Compiled by : R. M. Dixit