The day is done
the glorious sun
shall soon be out of sight
Fading is the light
And darkness falls from the wings of night

Soon the moon
along with many stars
will rule the night sky

The time passes by
and darkness prowls in the sky
The moon along with its moonlight
is the crown jewel of the night sky

The earth is bathed in its beautiful light
that has filled so many souls with delight
Its light so white and pearly
seems like the loose hairs of someone very pretty

The moon - a poet's inspiration for so many years
wearing its scars with dignity as if dried tears
A medium to contact those who cannot be contacted
A true companion for the lonely

Something to be envious of for the beautiful
Somewhere to find peace for the restless
Its importance realized by one and all
Eagerly awaited as soon as night falls

Its my lone companion in the restless nights
I find a friend in him and peace in its light
The silver moon...