karo mumkin - Telenor’s Karo Mumkin
Telenor Pakistan wants you to share your thoughts and opinions for for the promising future of the Pakistan.

Idea is very simple; Telenor wants Pakistanis to connect with each others’ ideas, at a platform governed by the company. Users can post ideas through SMS, call, Telenor’s website and via postal mail.

Telenor is maintaining the list of all ideas (category wise) on its website. Along with it has success stories, inspirational videos and images.

All ideas will be discussed and evaluated by a panel of Pakistani intellectuals through the nationwide television coverage.

One winning idea will be selected & recognized through the “Telenor Karo Mumkin” show.

Through Karo Mumkin, Telenor intends to achieve CSR goals and first hand relation with its customers. A good click to start with, however to calculate the effectiveness we will have to wait for the results and changes that this campaign will bring for the society.

You got something interesting? Share it here:
SMS/CALL: 576 (for telenor customers only)
CALL: 0345-555-5540 (For all networks)
PO Box: 345 Lahore
Or through this page: Karo Mumkin What’s Your Idea?
You can send entries before 31st March, 2010
You can post your idea in following categories:

  • Education
  • Human Capital
  • Agriculture
  • Environment
  • Technology
  • Business
  • Support
  • Entertainment

One suggestion: Posting ideas through website is little hard to understand, one click submission should be enabled so that non-techy persons can share their thoughts with further ease.