The Princess of Cannes ( that is what
Press calls Aishwariya ) caught the
attention of Holloywood fillm maker
Martin Scorsese at the French
Riveria. A source at filom festival
says that Scorses has been
showering attention on beautiful
Mrs Bachhan.
Scorsese whose World Cinema
Foundation is busy restoring reverse
film classics, showed his latest
work- The Ittalion Classic II
Gattaparoda directed by Lucino
Viscomti, at Cannes to a select audi-
ence incuding Aish. After the scree-
ning, he invited her for dinner where
there were eight guests..Scorsese
has admired the work of Aishwariya
ever since Devdas. He has
expressed his desire to cast her in
his next film.