Noodle Nests

400 g fettuccine
350 g turkey breast
1 bunch of leek onions
1 small tin tomato puree
250 g Sauce Hollandaise (ready for cooking)
200 g grated cheese
200 g cream fraiche

Cook noodles "al dente". Cut turkey breast in slices, leek onions in rings. Roast turkey breast and leek onions in oil, add tomato puree. Season with salt and pepper. Arrange noodles in nests on a baking tin, strew the half of the grated cheese on the top, spoon tomato sauce over the noodles. Stir sauce hollandaise and cream fraiche, spoon over the tomato sauce and
strew the rest of grated cheese on the top. Marinate in the pre-heated oven at 220 C for 30 minutes.