tnx4 sharing
How many of you
can truly say
you're not afraid of death
in any way?
I have met such a person
who to my horror said
"don't cry for me,
I'll soon be dead"
"I have time to tell my dearest
how I love them so,
an opportunity most people,
don't get before they go".
"It's not a happy ending
it's not a sad one too
it's the end of my beginning
it's what I have to do"
With a smile on her face
and with passion she said
"don't cry for me,
I'm already dead".
I listened to her words
and didn't cry a tear
for what she said was wisdom
wise beyond her year
With no fear in her voice
no tear in her eye
she carried on speaking,
pausing to sigh
"Of course I'd love to be here
of course I want to stay
to watch you open presents
on every special day".
"but I can't live any longer
I have to end the pain
death is the only thought
that helps to keep me sane".
"My fate was chosen long ago
by forces big and strong
I ask you not to cry for me
for I know it won't be long".
With that my new friend finished
and said she had to go
but I did not shed a tear
although she'd never know
I took it all on board
everything she'd said
and I prayed to my lord
for I knew she'd soon be dead
I asked him to take care of her
I told him she was kind
he told me he'd look after her
which gave me peace of mind
So when this day arrives
I will not shed a tear
for I know she will be happy
and treated very dear.
tnx4 sharing
superrrrrrrrr meri saalgira k din ki poem....
My prayer, my offering, my life and my death are all for Allah SWT, the
Lord of all the worlds..