Searching on web is something which every internet user do, many times you just encounter a word on a web page which you may want to search on bing, on google, on IMDB, on Wikipedia, etc. With Context Menu Search extension for google chrome, you can start selecting text on the page, and search using the built-in search engines, which include Bing, Bing Images, IMDB, Wikipedia, and Yahoo.
This extension can be used to search for selected text using the context menu. Different search engines can be added according to the user’s wish to the right-click menu. The search results are shown in a new background tab.
Please Note: You need at least Chrome version 6.0 to install and use this extension. If needed you can install from whichever channel you want here.
Next addition: To add a pre-configured list of search engines from which the user can easily pick search engines.
Context Menu Search [
Google Chrome Extension ]