There may be several printers connected to your computer, but you might be required to switch between them in order to print different documents and files. In such a case if you select the printer you want to use for printing while giving the print command it could be tedious.
In order to solve this problem,
WPrinter is a freeware which solves this problem and provides the fastest and most convenient way to change Windows default printer and set default printer settings. It really saves the time and effort applied from your end so it can help you save the effort.
When running, it adds an icon to the system tray (where the clock is). When you move the cursor over that icon, tooltip is shown with Windows default printer name. One click on the icon shows all available printers menu. Another click allows you to change Windows default printer. It is that simple.
You can customize printer name, icon and shortcut for every printer installed. The customized icon for the selected printer is shown in the system tray. The customized printer name is used in printer’s menu as well as for the system tray tooltip. Customized shortcut is also shown in the printer’s menu.
This application seem to work on all the versions of windows, we have just tested it in windows 7 32 bit Ultimate Edition
Download WPrinter