After Google launched its instant search for the users, now every body is mad about instant search. As recently we mentioned about the instant search related to searching of the maps and we also mentioned about searching the images on Google with the help of instant search and today I will be telling you about a site with the help of which you can search anything on Flicker.
Now, I need not to mention that Flicker is one of the best sites for the photo albums as people love to share the images and albums via this site and if I am going to provide you with a link with the help of which you can easily search any album or any image by just typing a correlated keyword in the search textbox and then the search will be complete. You will be able to see the results as soon as you stop typing. This search is exactly similar to all the instant search services which were already mentioned by us in some of the recent articles.
Now in the captured snapshot you can see that the webpage has a logo of Flickr and then on the top right you can type your search field and then you will be able to see the results, but only one image result at a time and then the user who has uploaded this image can be seen on the right hand side. There will be a complete description of the image below it and then if you want to see another image related to that search keyword then there is an option named as Next above the preview of the image which will change the image.
So, next time if you want to search any thing on Flicker then please go for using this site and then I am sure you will like searching on Flickr is like searching, but please do not expect it be as fast as Google, as image file results are little bit heavy. As soon as you stop typing the keyword, then you will see the name of the search result and the description of that image but the image will take some time to get loaded as these file are heavy as compared to normal text search results.Now this is nice feature for Flickr and then I will personally give credit to Google for all this change.
Flickr Instant Search