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Thread: ~*~ 3 things in life~*~

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    Default ~*~ 3 things in life~*~

    The importance of three(3)

    Three things in life
    that, once gone, never come back:

    1. Time
    2. Words
    3. Opportunity

    Three things in life
    that can destroy a person:

    1. Anger
    2. Pride
    3. Unforgiveness

    Three things in life
    that you should never lose:

    1. Hope
    2. Peace
    3. Honesty

    Three things in life
    that are most valuable:

    1. Love
    2. Family & Friends
    3. Kindness

    Three things in life
    that are never certain:

    1. Fortune
    2. Success
    3. Dreams

    Three things in life
    that make a person who they are:

    1. Commitment
    2. Honesty
    3. Hard work

    I ask the Lord to bless you,
    as I pray for you today;
    to guide you and protect you,
    as you go along your way.

    Allah's love is always with you,
    Allah's promises are true.
    And when you give Allah all your cares,
    you know Allah will see you through.

    Last edited by ~Rania~; 12-01-2011 at 03:14 AM.
    394999 198367593589296 174133136012742 401622 1270652005 n large - ~*~ 3 things in life~*~
    ~I can't change fOr anybOdy~

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