di - Google Translate For Android Is Now More Effective
di - Google Translate For Android Is Now More Effective
In this era of Globalistaion, where one is not confined to his/her homeland for a career opportunity or for various other reasons, one can often experience a language-barrier in the pursuit of going global/international. And neither you can know beforehand which foreign language you might be needing to know at what point of time in your, nor one can learn all of them(or even the few in this one lifetime). Thereby comes this awesome Android mobile phone application – ‘Google Translate’ which has already been launched and is in use since Jan,2010.

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Google Translate supports 53 languages, from Afrikaans to Yiddish, and voice input for 15 languages. This app brought +machine translation, romanization of non-Roman scripts and spoken translations—to the Android platform. It also offered voice input to let you speak the word or phrase you wanted to translate instead of typing it in, and SMS translation so you could translate SMS messages sent to you in foreign languages.

But, i believe the Translate users were not content with this, who is today anyways, they demanded more. So here comes an updated and refreshing Google Translate app right at the start of a new year 2011 to better its user-experience. Some improvements are as follows :-

  • better dropdown boxes to help select the languages you want to translate from and into,
  • an improved input box,
  • cleaner icons and layout,
  • expanded to support more languages,
  • the conversation mode(alpha)

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The Conversation Mode(in its earlier stages, can only use when translating between English and Spanish) +is a new interface within Google Translate that’s optimized to allow you to communicate fluidly with a nearby person in another language.

How ‘the conversation mode’ works?

Conversation Mode allows you to speak your message and Google Translate will convert it to the text equivalent in the recipient’s language. Your conversation partner can then respond in their language, and you’ll hear the translation spoken back to you.

Despite few minor issues like regional accents, background noise or rapid speech may make it difficult to understand what you’re saying, the app holds a lot of promise and potential – an attempt to break down language barriers the world over.

How To Download Google Translate App?

You can download the application, available for devices running Android 2.1 and above, by searching for “Google Translate” in Android Market or visit http://translate.google.com/about/intl/en_ALL/tour.html#mobile