How To Invite Selective Contacts To Quora [Email Id Required]
di - How To Invite Selective Contacts To Quora [Email I
di - How To Invite Selective Contacts To Quora [Email I

Quora seems to be a great promising web service for future, right now as per I see there are few design glitches and a slow web interface. Once you got the invite to Quora, you can invite any number of the people to join in as it seems.

After logging in at Quora, either through your facebook profile by allowing access to this app or through your twitter account, go to the following link below.

Now enter the email id of the person you want to invite on Quora, you will need his/her email id. Once you enter the email id, add message if required and click send button.

1 17 2011 1 55 11 PM thumb - How To Invite Selective Contacts To Quora [Email I