Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.
Swedish Proverb
Never Argue With an Idiot ...
Love me when I least deserve it, because that's when I really need it.
Swedish Proverb
“The pessimist complains about the wind;
the optimist expects it to change;
the realist adjusts the sails.”
~ William Arthur Ward
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.
“If you don't want it bad enough to risk losing it- you don't want it bad enough.”
Tom Krause
We judge ourselves by what we feel capable of doing while others judge us what we have already done
"Crying alone is really better than laughing with the people who hate y0u but act like loving y0u"
( Shakspear ). "
The more you say
the less people remember.
The fewer the words,
the Greater the profit.
Francois de Salignac
When you need me, but do not want me, then I will stay.
When you want me, but do not need me, then I have to go .
Quotes by Bertrand Russell
1: Most people would rather die than think; in fact, they do so.
2: Men are born ignorant,not stupid; they are made stupid by education.
3: Patriotism is the willingness to kill and be killed for trivial reasons.
4: War does not determine who is right - only who is left.
5: The degree of one’s emotion varies inversely with one’s knowledge of the facts - the less you know the hotter you get